A senior Coug will play his final game in the Crimson and Grey today. There won't be epic stories told of his heroics and other-worldly ability, he hasn't rewritten the record books, and those on the outside might not remember him long from now. But those who had the incredible pleasure to play with him, or were highly invested in Cougar football for the past 5 seasons will remember him.
As a life long and highly devoted Coug, who is often told that he has too much Cougar gear (not possible for the record), and some one who had devoted himself to personifying what "Cougar Pride," means I can honestly say that there is no Cougar who could represents what it means to be a Cougar than Marshall Lobbestael. I cannot think of a better guy to get to start this game. His final game, his last chance to beat the hated Huskies.
The ultimate competitor who I battled against in high school, and then played with at WSU, knew exactly how to exhibit his competitiveness. He never used it to tear people down, only to build people up, encourage others, and motivate them to be better than they were. Constantly pushing people to train harder, work longer, study harder, and never give up.
No player may have gone through more in a football career; injuries, staring games young and winning, being replaced, sacked a record number of times, starting again, being replaced, starting, being replaced, starting, being replaced. Losing more than anyone should be able to stand. Yet he stood firm, he kept fighting the good fight, and he ran the race in such a way.
A brother in Christ, who came to know the Lord in college, and used his infectious personality and his situation allow him to share who Christ is with teammates and friends. Never allowing his situation to dictate his actions or reactions, he stayed steady stayed focused, and stayed all about Cougar Pride. He stayed about the team, always the first to give praise and show excitement for his fellow quarter backs when they started, and played well. He was always the first to bring in the rookies, show them the ropes and teach them what it meant to be a Cougar.
He may not reset the records, and he won't go down as the greatest qb to come out of a school known as Quarterback U. But "The Lobbster," as he is affectionately known will go down by those who played with him as one of the greatest Cougars; who embodied Cougar spirit, Cougar pride and Cougar heart more. A man who I will forever feel honored to call a teammate, a brother-in-christ, and a Coug!
Thank you Marsh for being the man that you are, and being instrumental in helping change the culture of the program and its direction.
Once a Coug always a Coug. Go Cougs!
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