May 30, 2007


Day 11 Monday (28-5) Kenny Chesney once sang "there's something sexy about the rain..." and he is very much right but there is so much more to rain than just being sexy. I don't understand how people can say that they hate the rain. How can you hate something so beautiful, so healthy, and just good for everything? I most definately do not hate the rain, I love the rain. We had our first real rainstorm today and I realized how much I missed it. I love it because; it's beautiful, rejuvinating, cleansing and freeing. Rain is a gift from God, as is everything, but rain is a little different. Not just beacuse of the great flood, but because of it's other uses through out the bible as a metaphore. When he talks about being the fruit and the vine or about seeds he refers to how those things need certain things to grow. And just as God created this earth, he created it to require rain to sustain itself. Even the mightiest of trees or the mightest of lions, and the meekest of lambs needs water to live. The other thing I do not understand is the negative and gloomy stigma. You always see rain used as forshadowing during movies, to set the mood, and create this certain image and feelings, and most of the time it is negative, like during a funeral or something else of that variaty. To me how ever rain represents the exact opposite. To me it represents new life, new growth, purification, and re-birth. In the movie V for Vendetta, there is a scene where Evie, played by Natalie Portman, is going through this terrible sittuation where she thinks she is in jail, but it is really V trying to free her mind. There is a point when she reaches this freedom, and V tells her what has happened, and takes her outside, and she walks into this downpour with face turned towards the heavens and arms outstretched, the name of the scene is called Evie re-born. We see this same concept applied in the Shawshank Redemption where Andy, played by Tim Robbins, escapes from Jail during the rain storm and when he gets out you see him standing in a similar pose to Evie, basking in the enjoyment of freeness, and new life. Lastly I bring up probably the most cliche connection I like to use, and that is Lion King. In Lion King, after the battle for Pride Rock, as Simba assends to his rightful place, the rain starts to come down, to cleanse the lands and give them new life. Rain is a source of life that we will always need, and will always remind me of God, and how big and amazing he is. "Many a man curses the rain that falls upon his head, and knows not that it brings abundance to drive away the hunger." -Saint Basil